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third eye chakra

In Healing Crystals

Celestite – Metaphysical Meaning & Properties


Access Celestial Planes with Celestite Celestite is also known as Celestine and forms in white, blue, red, orange, and reddish brown crystals. Celestite emits a high vibration and correlates to the third-eye chakra and crown chakras. It is an angelic stone that assists in accessing the spiritual realm and communicating with angel guides. It does this by opening pathways of communication between your earthly self and your angel guides. Since Celestite is a very angelic stone, it can help you…

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In Healing Crystals

Sodalite – Metaphysical Meaning & Properties

Sodalite Meaning and Properties

Sodalite: Nature’s Problem Solver Sodalite is a stone that is usually blue and white in color. It can be used with the Third Eye Chakra, as it helps to open the third eye to receiving information. Opening the third-eye can help to access universal energy, letting answers flow straight to you. This makes it excellent to use Sodalite during a Throat Chakra or Third-Eye Chakra meditation. Sodalite is beneficial in problem-solving, as it allows you to consider alternatives in order…

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In Healing Crystals

Azurite – Metaphysical Meaning & Properties


Enhance Your Third-Eye with Azurite It’s easy to be drawn to the alluring azure color of Azurite, especially if you are in need of help accessing your intuition.  Azurite is a crystal that is mostly made of copper and is created from the weathering of copper ore deposits.  Because of this, it is safer to handle Azurite in its tumbled form as opposed to raw or rough form.  Azurite is frequently found with Malachite, which is also a form and…

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